||| coming next: Subensemble (Bertram Dhellemmes/Andreas Eichhorn/Moritz Nolden) in Rhiz , Vienna | 7 December 2018 |||


Summer news

No performances projects for the rest of 2012 - as Real Dance Super Sentai just relocated to Vienna, Austria -, we will come back in 2013 with the new performance Dancing on Ashes (Berlin).   
But the action doesn't stop on the publication front: first you will find two reviews of Ines Birkhan's novel Angel Meat. Verwerfungen on Literaturhaus Wien and Triëdere, Periodikum für theorie und Kunst's websites (in German), then an essay about two Dancing on Ashes performances on Design of the In/Human, and finally a new Angel Meat hybrid form in newly released Akademie Schloss Solitude Yearbook 2011.