Dancing on Ashes (circle) in Pinacoteca, Vienna | 7 May 2016, 7:00 pm
*Dancing on Ashes (Circle) *
Große Neugasse 44
1040 Wien
7 May 2016 | 7:00 pm
*"She thinks that many different avant-gardes are needed *
In girum #3 in Dock 11, Berlin, 24>27 January 2008
Marco Barotti: music - Rebecca Fratini: dance
Marco Barotti: music - Rebecca Fratini: dance
Mitwintertanz intends to be a dance and music based celebration, offered to anyone who feels a need to celebrate but doesn't know what, why and how. Liveliness and physicality are the easiest things to share.
Rebecca Fratini was born in Sweden in 1981. She started her dance education at Danscenter in Stockholm and received her degree at Tanzakademie Balance 1 in Berlin in 2006. Since September of 2006 she has been working on her own projects as a choreographer and dancer. Among these projects were 2 Imperfect Drops shown at the TanzTage Berlin, Klimazone26 performed in 48 Stunden Neukölln, and Moora wich was a solo dance performance created for an exhibition in Warmsen.
Marco Barotti, drummer and percussionist, is a 2002 graduate from the Siena Jazz Academy. Marco has studied with Alessio Riccio, Francesco Petreni, Mariano Di Nunzio, Roberto Nannetti, Klaus Lessman. Over the past few years Marco played with several artists from all over the world, Lisa Fitzgibbon (Australia) Jono Manson (USA) & Lewin Barringer (USA). In 2004 he received an endorsement from the PanArt Company in Switzerland to help demonstrate and to develop new techniques for their new instrument called the HANG. In 2006 he created the BC Project and started a series of performances based on jazz improvisation and the mixing of acoustic and electronic sounds - using non conventional instruments, exploring the mellow-acoustic sound of the HANG and combining it with a hybrid of loops, delays and distortion to get to a full electro noise beat.

Dioniso Amore Mio
Lara Martelli: dance, music
Lara Martelli: dance, music
Dioniso amore mio is a travel through Chaos, searching for the sediment, the aura that the dancing body leaves behind. Surrounded and contrasted by a re-created and artificial Chaos, the dancing body seeks a new internal order.
This instant composition performance is the first stage of a work-in-progress that will later evolve – or regress – into a film and a set piece.
Lara Martelli was born in Pesaro, Italy. She first studied music (violin) in Conservatorio Rossini in Pesaro, then dance - first in New York with Alwin Nikolais and Murray Louis, she studied and at the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen where she graduated. She has worked as a dancer with very different choreographers and theatre directors (among others with Sosta Palmizi, S. Linke, U. Dietrich, R. Leoni, J. Fabre, F. Ruckert). In her work as a performer and choreographer she has changed genre several times and has thereby gathered experience in the field between classical dance theatre, contemporary choreography and improvisation. Her curiosity to explore different body states, energetic transformations and metamorphoses leads her to ever new experiments.
Ines Birkhan & Bertram Dhellemmes: artistic supervision
Read more of this review by Petr Karlovsky of Butterflies, Sex & Hypochondria's version for In Girum...#1, and also about Untitled, on Modern Dance Reviews.
"Birkhan's "Butterflies, Sex & Hypochondria" is a body-centered spectacle which draws its strength from transforming sensual perceptions into persuasive images. It is a strong piece, charged on the surface and substantial in the depth. One of those amazing choreographies surfacing in the off-scene that make you think wow, this should run in a theatre with hundreds of seats for a whole season. Until you soberly realize that it would not work, as established art sanctuaries are unapt for these kinds of delicacies..."
Angel Meat (part 2) in -able, Berlin > 6 December 2007

Angel Meat (part 2)
Ines Birkhan: dance
Bertram Dhellemmes: music
Angel Meat is based on a feedback between artistic research and the established rock subculture that is the main background of many western people. Art being for one century busy with defining itself in its successive modern / postmodern / hypermodern manifestations, pop culture has been left dealing with big issues such as death, sexuality, love or metaphysic – often awkwardly, but now it's today's mythology.
A multimedia work in progress, Angel Meat opens up this mythical universe with the strategies of antiformal experimental performance art.
A multimedia work in progress, Angel Meat opens up this mythical universe with the strategies of antiformal experimental performance art.
6 December 2007 - 8:30 pm
Hobrechtstraße 28 D-12047 Berlin
die Welt als wilde Vostellung presentation in Schloß Bröllin > 14 November 2007

die Welt als wilde Vorstellung
At the end of the 10-day residence in Schloß Bröllin, Real Dance Super Sentai will propose a work-in-progress presentation of the first stage of die Welt als wilde Vorstellung.
More information on dieweltalswildevorstellung.blogspot.com
More information on dieweltalswildevorstellung.blogspot.com
Schloß Bröllin
14 November 2007 - 8:00 pm
Bröllin 3 D-17309 Fahrenwalde
Tel:+49-039747-5650 - 0
/ seconde main / bains::connective / brussels / 6-7 september 2007 /
seconde main
Brynjar Bandlien (dance)
David Bausseron (music)
Julien Bruneau (dance)
Bertram Dhellemmes (music)
Dolores Hulan (dance)
Anouk Llaurens (dance)
Sylvia Platzer (music)
Armand van der Hammer (dance)
Hugues Warin (music)
more info and pictures on Seconde Main's blog.
Julien Bruneau (dance, writing, voice)
Hugues Warin (music)
butterflies, sex & hypochondria
Ines Birkhan (dance)
Silvia Platzer (music)
6 september 2007 oint.oint. + seconde main
7 september 2007 butterflies, sex & hypochondria + seconde main
34 rue Berthelotstraat
1190 Bruxelles
In girum #2 in Dock 11, Berlin, 18>21 October 2007
4 instant composition evenings curated by Real Dance Super Sentai
Robert Steijn
It is on, the search of silence
Ivo Bol + Ailed Izurieta
Ivo Bol + Ailed Izurieta
information on ingirumimusnocteetconsumimurigni.blogspot.com
seconde main in bains::connective, Brussels, 6-7 September 2007

Julien Bruneau: dance
Hugues Warin: music
This dance music and poetry project confronts two “monologues”, one from a dancer and the other one from a musician, each one of them being autonomous, a distinct point of view of the same situation.
One of the specificities of the literary form of the monologue is to show a moving thought which stands in the course of passing time, just as the body does. Erasures, incoherences, digressions, rifts are not rocks on which the process stops, but necessary stages to go through.
One of the specificities of the literary form of the monologue is to show a moving thought which stands in the course of passing time, just as the body does. Erasures, incoherences, digressions, rifts are not rocks on which the process stops, but necessary stages to go through.
6 september 2007
Butterflies, Sex & Hypochondria
Ines Birkhan: dance
Silvia Platzer: music
Ines Birkhan: dance
Silvia Platzer: music
Butterflies, sex & hypochondria is a series of dance works of Ines Birkhan using this title – her personal understanding of how social repression of physicality can be opposed through performance – in a programmatic way.
She conceived the constitutive elements of this dance performance in order to create the conditions to keep building for herself a wild and beautiful becoming.
To share this process with the audience, this stage of the project involves the creation of a fictional character embodying a femininity built from personal experience and cultural models and freely released on stage.
7 september 2007
She conceived the constitutive elements of this dance performance in order to create the conditions to keep building for herself a wild and beautiful becoming.
To share this process with the audience, this stage of the project involves the creation of a fictional character embodying a femininity built from personal experience and cultural models and freely released on stage.
7 september 2007

seconde main
improvisation project proposed by Julien Bruneau
Brynjar Bandlien (dance)
David Bausseron (music)
Julien Bruneau (dance)
Bertram Dhellemmes (music)
Dolores Hulan (dance)
Anouk Llaurens (dance)
Sylvia Platzer (music)
Armand van der Hammer (dance)
Hugues Warin (music)
seconde main is a dance and music instant composition project proposed by Julien Bruneau.
During these two evenings, dancers and musicians from Brussels, Berlin and Lille will propose their work based on a common desire to explore further the moment when an exchange between artist and audience happens.
Each evening will present different compositions in which music and dance claim their mutual autonomy, interconnect through changing relations and try to unfold the potential diversity of the group.
During these two evenings, dancers and musicians from Brussels, Berlin and Lille will propose their work based on a common desire to explore further the moment when an exchange between artist and audience happens.
Each evening will present different compositions in which music and dance claim their mutual autonomy, interconnect through changing relations and try to unfold the potential diversity of the group.
6-7 September 2007
Rue Berthelotstraat 34
1190 Vorst|Forest - Brussels
In girum #1 in Dock 11, Berlin, 9>12 August 2007
4 instant composition evenings curated by Real Dance Super Sentai
Ines Birkhan: dance + concept
„Butterflies, sex & hypochondria“ is part of a series of dance works using this title – a personal understanding of how social repression of physicality can be released through performance – in a programmatic way.
"In case of disturbance the catarpillar withdraws its head downwards, curves the chest section spherically up and presents its eye marks…"
Bertram Dhellemmes: music
Helga Wretman: dance
Daniel Keller & Asier Solana: light design
Untitled is an instant composition performance where dance & music are built by mutually founding each other, in a deeply physical and reciprocal manipulation of sound, light, movement and space.
In girum...
9, 10, 11 & 12 August 2007

Dock 11
Kastanienallee 79 10435 Berlin
phone: (004930) 4481222
9, 10, 11 & 12 August 2007

Dock 11
Kastanienallee 79 10435 Berlin
phone: (004930) 4481222
butterflies, sex & hypochondria in Autresens, 6 July 2007
Butterflies, Sex & Hypochondria
Ines Birkhan: dance
Bertram Dhellemmes: music
„Butterflies, sex & hypochondria“ is part of a series of dance works using this title – a personal understanding of how social repression of physicality can be released through performance – in a programmatic way.
"In case of disturbance the catarpillar withdraws its head downwards, curves the chest section spherically up and presents its eye marks…"
4 place du pré commun,
Mazères-sur-Salat, France
6 July 2007
Klang zur Stille zum Klang in Rencontres Internationales, Berlin, 25 > 30 June 2007
Klang zur Stille zum Klang
a video installation by Ines BIRKHAN & Bertram DHELLEMMES
Rencontres Internationales
Babylon:Mitte Movie Theatre
Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 30
D-10178 Berlin
U2 Rosa-Luxemburg Platz
25 > 30 June 2007 - 2pm > 8pm
a video installation by Ines BIRKHAN & Bertram DHELLEMMES
In Klang zur Stille zum Klang – a composite storytelling video installation – are superimposed the meeting of the she-Krampus (a legendary character from the Austrian Alps) and the new inhabitants of the mountains, and the tribulations of Tchumuki, a rebel employée of the silence factory.
Rencontres Internationales
Babylon:Mitte Movie Theatre
Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 30
D-10178 Berlin
U2 Rosa-Luxemburg Platz
25 > 30 June 2007 - 2pm > 8pm
Klang zur Stille zum Klang in Rencontres Internationales, Madrid, 28 April > 5 May 2007
Klang zur Stille zum Klang
a video installation by Ines BIRKHAN & Bertram DHELLEMMES
In Klang zur Stille zum Klang – a composite storytelling video installation – are superimposed the meeting of the she-Krampus (a legendary character from the Austrian Alps) and the new inhabitants of the mountains, and the tribulations of Tchumuki, a rebel employée of the silence factory.
This video work is a research in creating a hybrid media, a "video-novel" aiming to develop new forms of narrativity by combining differents field of arts – literature, dance, music and video. Here, images and sounds are not the supports of narration (which claims its rooting in the tradition of novel or even fable), but strongly influence its perception at the edge of consciousness, and also link reading to the temporality of audiovisual. In this interlacing of sensitive and intellectual perceptions, each element is carefully articulated to the others to elaborate a larger though still discreet experience.
In the “video-novels” series to which Klang zur Stille zum Klang belongs, the combination of images, sounds and texts allows an exploration of an ‘extended field of literature’. It proposes a complexity of perception that requires the full involvement of the audience, as well as openness at different intellectual and emotional levels, thus renewing the fundamental experience of reading. A framed time for reading provides a musicality that is not limited to the audible but indeed in the structural perception of time. The images are not anymore the centre of the proposal but a sensitive background that prepare the reception of the text, and the music is building a homogeneous environment. The fictional universe built by the narrative is also composite, making myth and modernity one, linking fairytale and social concern, and this reflects in the language used, a creative extrapolation both familiar and strange.
Klang zur Stille zum Klang was premiered in the exhibition Mythen für die Zukunft in Cabaret Renz, Vienna, in January 2006.
Rencontres Internationales
Circulo de Bellas Artes
c/ Alcalá, 42 - 28014 Madrid
From April 28th to May 5th 2007
11:00 > 21:00
den kreisrunden Todengwalzer tanzen, released on March 19 in Peter Lang Verlag

Den kreisrunden Todengwalzer tanzen
short story and portfolio by Ines Birkhan
Can the reenactment of the Ramayana take place in a gender deprived society (where women can be confused with gazelles) ? What is the role then of the Professor, involved in his quest to a lost fertility as the world has become a toxic waste which ground is too foul to allow human foot to be set on it, and bares only the eerie todeng plants? And is all this happening on or off stage, when dance and choir seem to be part of normal life ?
In Den kreisrunden Todengwalzer tanzen, Ines Birkhan builds a complex and personal universe, based – but not only – on her experience as a dance performer, and interrogations on relations between nature and culture…
In Den kreisrunden Todengwalzer tanzen, Ines Birkhan builds a complex and personal universe, based – but not only – on her experience as a dance performer, and interrogations on relations between nature and culture…
Accompanied by essais by Hans-Dieter Klein, Evelin Klein & Ingvild Birkhan.
Peter lang Verlag, Vienna, Reihe Persephone 5, Technikkritik & Ästhetik
Den kreisrunden Todengwalzer tanzen + guests in Dock 11, Berlin > 22-29 March 2007

Den kreisrunden Todengwalzer tanzen
dance + text performance
Ines Birkhan: dance, choreography, text
Bertram Dhellemmes: music, video, dramaturgy
a Real Dance Super Sentai joint
Den kreisrunden Todengwalzer tanzen is a dance/text performance that creates a connection of the two media, while they are conveying meaning in different ways.
In the fiction of the text the protagonist finds a way to re-root himself into the toxic ground by falling back on a ritualistic dance form. The dance on stage develops a world of perception articulated to the text and relies on the want for language of the body.
This performance tells a story about potential future, about the transformation of bodies and environment dominated but uncontrolled by technoscience. One could call it science fiction, a fable or philosophical tale.
In the fiction of the text the protagonist finds a way to re-root himself into the toxic ground by falling back on a ritualistic dance form. The dance on stage develops a world of perception articulated to the text and relies on the want for language of the body.
This performance tells a story about potential future, about the transformation of bodies and environment dominated but uncontrolled by technoscience. One could call it science fiction, a fable or philosophical tale.
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 March 2007, 8:30 pm
guest acts

vrac pli
choreography and dance: Julien Bruneau
with the help of: Ines Birkhan, Alix de Morant
A walk digs into space. Then a dance arises.
The dance digs into the person dancing. Then a travel arises.
Each moment is a question for the previous moment.
Each moment is bending towards itself to find the lever,
which will pour it into the next one.
The dance digs into the person dancing. Then a travel arises.
Each moment is a question for the previous moment.
Each moment is bending towards itself to find the lever,
which will pour it into the next one.
vrac pli is a travel towards a travel, rooted in the desire to confront dance practice and work to the musical world of Italian composer Luigi Nono (1924-1990).
a Netwerk (Aalst) production, with the support of asbl VEGA (Brussel), De Pianofabriek (Brussel), Summer Studio’s (Brussel) and Point Ephémère (Paris)
Julien Bruneau is based in Belgium where he first studied visual art. His artistic research led him towards dance, his main activity since then. His current approach to contemporary dance passes by a continuous personal research and practice oncerned by the articulation of body and mind. For several years, he creates his own pieces and collaborates with people involved in various art fields. Beside he is also a performer for other’s project, currently for Stefan Dreher’s company.
22 & 23 March 2007

The Devil in the Ear / Whose body is it, Anyway
A dance improvisation embedded in silence by Katerina Bakatsaki
Katerina Bakatsaki (GR, NL) is a dancer, choreographer, teacher and sworn improviser, based in Amsterdam. Her approach to performance is currently focused on the immersion of the dancing / performing body to the quotidian. She sees dance as an act- of will- at-its-best and works without distinction as much with professional dancers, actors and musicians as with people of all experiences, ages and paths of life. She dances and presents work just about anywhere, from Opera Comique in Paris to downtown streets of Athens and Taipei, to tram stops and private houses in Amsterdam, in their most insignificant and non-dramatic places. As she assumes the principle of The Performer being the Performance, any time is the time and any place is the place.
24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 March 2007
Dock 11
Kastanienallee 79 10435 Berlin
phone: (004930) 4481222
Die Welt als wilde Vorstellung in Schloß Bröllin > November 2007
Real Dance Super Sentai's new performance project Die Welt als wilde Vorstellung will be in residence in Schloß Bröllin in November 2007.
For information about the working process, please click here.
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